Family business
Over time, many of our clients become real friends, allowing us to pass the "business barrier" and advise directly to the owner family itself.
We have been one of the pioneering firms in our environment on advising on Family Protocols, planning, from the legal and tax perspective, many succession and generational processes, and assisting in the prevention and resolution of many conflicts arising between the company and their owner families or among its members.
We believe that the implementation of a Family Protocol must be a tremendously thoughtful and serene process that also requires constant updating. Therefore, our work is not limited to the drafting of the framework document itself (Family Protocol); we give the same importance to both the pre-elaboration stage (surveys, interviews, consensus) and the later stage (compliance, updating, developing and implementing the protocol).
To do this, apart from the corresponding (and often fundamental) adaptation of statutes, we have abundant experience in restructuring important family wealth (separating non-business assets from the business ones and allocating these to those family members most involved in their day-to-day running), as well as in the design and implementation of wills and marriage contracts.
When generational change is not feasible, we usually collaborate with consultant companies specialised in finding investors. In these cases, we intervene directly and personally in the whole process, advising and accompanying the client.
In any case, after diagnosing the problems and analysing in detail all possible solutions, sincerity when giving our clients the answers to their problems (which is not always what the initially sensed or wanted to hear) is one of the main virtues of our firm and our clients and something that, ultimately, our clients always appreciate.